
AICTE sponsored Two days National Conference on Impact of Post COVID-19 on Technical Education – Challenges and Opportunities from 11th February 2022 to 12th February 2022 in the Padmini Auditorium. Eminent Expert Speakers from various reputed educational institutions like IIT, NIT, IIIT and reputed institutions addressed the Participants about the challenges and opportunities in the Technical Education system on the Post COVID-19 scenario. Prof.( Dr.) R.V.Raja Kumar, Director, IIT, Bhubaneswar Graced the Inaugural Session as the Chief Guest and Prof.(Dr.) J.Mehena as the Coordinator of the conference.

AICTE-ISTE sponsored six days Induction/ Refresher Program on “Smart Grid Technology (SGT-2022)” in online platform from 3rd January to 8th January, 2022. Dr. P. K. Desai, President, ISTE, Col. B. Venkat, Director, FDC, AICTE, Prof. Vijay D. Vaidya, Executive Secretary, ISTE, Dr. P. K. Parhi, Chairman, ISTE (Odisha Section) were present in the program.

Workshop on Awareness Generation on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in association with Science and Technology Dept., Government of Odisha. Dr.Susanta Kumar Rout, Science and Technology Department, Govt. of Odisha was present in the program.

NAAC sponsored online national conference on the title “Impact of post COVID -19 on Higher Education-Challenges and Opportunities(IPCHE-2021)” dated on 16th April to 17th April 2021 under Internal Quality Assurance Cell. Prof.( Dr.) Kishore Kumar Basa, Vice Chancellor, Maharaja Shriram Chandara Bhanja Deo University Graced the Inaugural Session as the Chief Guest of the conference.

TEQIP-III,Short Term Training program (STTP) on “IOT and Embedded System Design” during 10 - 14th Feb.2020 sponsored by BPUT,Rourkela, Odisha.

National Conference on Advances in Signal Image Technology and Power System, on 8th & 9th March 2019.Prof.(Dr.)Banibrata Mukharjee (NIT,Rourkela) and Prof.(Dr.)Suvendu Rup(IIIT,BBSR) were the chief guest of the function.

Faculty Members attending the ICT based Short Term Course on Self-Configured Wireless Sensor Network from 30.07.18 to 03.08.18 by NITTTR Chandigarh at DRIEMS, Cuttack.

Program Coordinator and Co-cordinator along with Principal in the ICT based Short Term Course on “Self-Configured Wireless Sensor Network” from 30.07.18 to 03.08.18 by NITTTR Chandigarh at DRIEMS, Cuttack.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. organized a one day Workshop on VLSI & Embedded System 9th November 2018 in association with CTTC Bhubaneswar.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. organized a seminar on Industrial Automation & Management on 5th October 2018 in under internal quality assurance cell (IQAC). Er. Jitendra Kumar Khilar, Deputy Manager (E & I), NALCO, Anugul was the chief guest of the program.

Our Chief Guest Mr.Sanjaya Dasburma Technical Education Minister of Govt. of Odisha observing the project presented by 4th year ENTC Students.

Inauguration of AARUNYA 2015

Student coordinators of AARUNYA 2014 with Principal and HOD.

Student coordinators of department functionAARUNYA.

Seminar on " Evolution of Wireless / Mobile Communication" by Prpf. S.R.Bhadra Choudhary.

Seminar talk by Prof.(Dr.) P.K.Nanda on "Neural Network and Application on Engineering Problem".

Inagural ceremony of 8th edition of Departmental magazine "Electronics Quecient".

Mr. Gagan Kumar Dhal , IAS, Principal secretary, Depart. Of Higher Education , Odisha visiting the department.

Students of ENTC celebrating with the Trophy of "Best Department award for excellence in academic and extracurricular activities"

4th year ENTC Students presenting the project in DRIEST

Prerana Sinha student of 3rd year receiving Prize from Principal & HOD.

Amit Kumar student of 4th year Receive Prize from Chief Guest and Principal

Principal Prof.(Dr.)Amiya Kumar Rath Honouring the Chief GuastProf.(Dr) Ganapati Panda on the occasion of seminar

Guests inaugurating SOVENEAR of National seminar on VLSI & Embedded System Design

Dr. Baibaswata Mohapatra delivering a Departmental seminar to the student on 27-04-2014