Mr. Subhasish Mohapatra
Assistant professor
Profile Links
- Google Scholar : tDjhzysAAAAJ
- Scopus Id : 59451865100
- Vidwan Id : 600310
Social Links
1. A comparative knowledge base development for cancerous cell
detection based on deep learning and fuzzy computer vision
2. Springer
3. A Brief Model Overview of Personalized Recommendation to
Citizens in the Health-Care Industry
4. A Conceptual Model for Analysis of Plant Diseases Through
EfficientNet: Towards Precision Farming
5. Insurance Policy Claim Verification Model of Unnatural Death Cases
– An Artificial Intelligence Based Approach
6. Driving Sustainable Practices in Industry 6.0: A Study on Article
Detection with Fuzzy-Wuzzy and Supervised Machine Learning
7. A machine learning approach to assist prediction of Alzheimer's
disease with convolutional neural network
8. Automated invasive cervical cancer disease detection at early stage
through deep learning
9. SimPy Simulation to Optimize Remote Patient Monitoring and Server
Usage in Healthcare System
10. Simpy Simulation of Patient Priority-Based Cloud Healthcare System
11. Analysing weighted disease symptoms to recommend an expert
through an integrated healthcare model
12. Data-Driven Symptom Analysis and Location Prediction Model for
Clinical Health Data Processing and Knowledgebase Development for
13. A Smart Contract-Based Framework for Value Addition in Retail
14. UML Conceptual Analysis of Smart Contract for Health Claim
15. A Study on Mediclaim Processing in Connected Healthcare System
16. An Expert System to Implement Symptom Analysis in Healthcare