Mr. Satyabrat Sahoo
Assistant professor
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- Google Scholar : mDo0lIEAAAAJ
- Scopus Id : 58588637500
- Vidwan Id : 557478
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Earned Certification of Appreciation Award as Active SPOC of NPTEL Local Chapter (LC Id: 4106) from IIT-Madras, India for four consecutive sessions towards instrumental roles at SIT-Sambalpur during Jul-Dec 2022, Jan-Apr 2023, Jul-Dec 2023, Jan-Apr 2024 semesters in “NPTEL Workshop and SPOC Felicitation (East Zone)” program at IIT-KGP Research Park, Kolkata organized by IIT-Kharagpur, India.
-Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) – ID# 134037.
-Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) – ID# 99963320.
-Life Member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG) – ID# 384300.
– Rasmita Kumari Mohanty, Dr.T.Sunil Kumar, M Raja Sekar, Basim Alhadidi, Satyabrat Sahoo, Panthangi Venkateswara Rao. “Game Theory-Based Multi-Objective Clustering and Decision-Making System for Optimized Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs)”. IN Patent, 49/2024, 202441092946, 2024/12/6.
-Satyabrat Sahoo, Satya Prakash Sahoo, and Manas Ranjan Kabat. “A Pragmatic Review of QoS Optimisations in IoT Driven Networks.” Wireless Personal Communications 137, 325–366 (2024).
-Satyabrat Sahoo, Satya Prakash Sahoo, Ram Chandra Barik, and Manas Ranjan Kabat. “A Fault-tolerant technique for future Social IoV using Evolutionary computation-based Whale Optimization Model.” In 2023 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT), pp. 334-339.
-Satyabrat Sahoo, Satya Prakash Sahoo, Ram Chandra Barik, and Manas Ranjan Kabat. “A novel Optimization technique in 5G based IoVs using hybrid Fuzzy Weight-NSGA Scheme.” In 2023 11th International Symposium on Electronic Systems Devices and Computing (ESDC), vol. 1, pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2023.
-Purohit, Malay Kumar, Geetanjali Dash, Satyabrat Sahoo, Sohan Kumar Pande, and Ashish Singh Saluja. “An Intelligent Wheel-Chair Model using CNN-MPNN Based Text Classification.” In 2024 1st International Conference on Cognitive, Green and Ubiquitous Computing (IC-CGU), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2024.
-Das, Piyush, Pranjal Parmar, Satyabrat Sahoo, Ashish Saluja, and Sohan Pande. “An Intelligent Regression Approach for Weather Forecasting System Using Machine Learning.” In 2024 1st International Conference on Cognitive, Green and Ubiquitous Computing (IC-CGU), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2024.
-Mahana, Apala, Nikhil Agrawal, Anup Kumar Sahu, Satyabrat Sahoo, Sohan Kumar Pande, and Ashish Singh Saluja. “Biometric Facial Driven Digital Attendance System using Machine Learning Approach Based on Haar Cascade Technique.” In 2024 1st International Conference on Cognitive, Green and Ubiquitous Computing (IC-CGU), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2024.
-Barik, Subham, Sandeep Sahani, Satyabrat Sahoo, and Manas Ranjan Kabat. “IoT Enabled Green House Environment Automation.” In Computing, Communication and Intelligence, pp. 287-291. CRC Press.
-Anthony, Arnold, Kshitij Satpathy, Satyabrat Sahoo, and Manas Ranjan Kabat. “Restaurant Recommendation System Utilising User Preferences with Content-Based Filtering.” In Computing, Communication and Intelligence, pp. 292-295. CRC Press, 2025.
-Behera, Smriti Shikha, Rojalin Biswal, Neha Lakra, Satyabrat Sahoo, and Manas Ranjan Kabat. “A Logistic Regression Approach for Cancer Prediction.” In Computing, Communication and Intelligence, pp. 296-299. CRC Press.