Mr. Raghunath Rout
Assistant Professor
Assistant Raghunath Rout is currently working as an associate Professor in School of Engineering and Technology in branch Computer Science and Engineering, DRIEMS University, Cuttack, Odisha. He has completed his BE from Fakir Mohan University in 2002, M.Tech from Biju Patnaik University of Technology in 2010, and Pursuing his Ph.D from BPUT. He has been the honoured, Professor Completing more than 15 years of service at DRIEMS University and have been awarded as the best user of Library, Faculty award in 2013. He has more than 20 + years of experience in teaching. His favorite subjects include Data Communication and Computer Network, Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless sensor network, Operating system. He area of research includes sensor network and Machine learning. He has published more than 8 research papers in National conference and Journals.He also guides undergraduate and postgraduate students in different projects. He has published book chapters in his name.He has been actively involved in Academic, curricular as well as extra-curricular activities,. He acts as the cultural coordinator (DRIEMS), exam coordinator of BPUT, He has also been involved in many academic activities such as organizing committee members in International Conference, Examiners to different universities, Question setter of other Universities. He has attended more than thirty (30), FDPs, Workshops, seminars, in National Level. He has served as Hostel Superintendent for more than five years in DRIEMS University. He was also the professor In-charge Exams at DRIEMS. He is the life member of Indian Society of Technical Education and IAENG. He has also conducted many in-House Training Programmes in DRIEMS University.
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- Scopus Id :
- Vidwan Id : 377752
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Recent Publications
- Best User Faculty Award in Library (DRIEMS), Honoured, Professor Completing more than 15 years of service at DRIEMS,
- Life Member – Indian Society of Technical Education
IAENG Member
Recent Publications