Prof. (Dr.) Pratap Chandra Pradhan
Associate Professor & HOD
Dr. Pratap Chandra Pradhan is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, DRIEMS University, Cuttack, Odisha. He has completed his B.E. in Electrical Engineering from Institution of Engineers (I) in 1999, M.E. in Power System Engineering from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), University of Mumbai , India, in 2003, and Ph.D. from Sambalpur University, Burla, Odisha, India, in 2018. He has 20 years of teaching experience. His favourite teaching subjects include Electrical Power Transmission & Distribution, Power System Operation and Control, Power System Protection, Smart Grid, Network Theory, Control System Engineering. His area of research includes automatic generation control, application of soft computing techniques to power system engineering, distributed generation and development of renewable energy. He has published more than 27 research papers in national and international conferences and journals. He has published four Indian patents. He guides undergraduate, post graduate and Ph.D. students. He is involved in different academic activities, such as organizing committee member in national and international conferences. He has organized more than ten different programs such as, faculty development programs, seminars and workshops at the national and international level. He has attended more than fifty different programs such as, faculty development program, short term course/training, seminar and workshop at the national and international level. He has the best faculty award for good academic performance in 2013. He is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE) India, Life member of Indian society for Technical Education (LMISTE), India and member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong.
Profile Links
- Scopus Id : 56503237800
- Vidwan Id : 178275
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Recent Publications
• All India Rank 454 in GATE -2001.
• Recipient of Govt. of India GATE Scholarship for M. E. from August 2001 to January 2003.
• Best Faculty award received from Dept. of Electrical Engineering, DRIEMS, Cuttack, India, 2013.
Recent Publications
- Analysis of Differential Evolution Optimization Based Cascade Controller for Frequency Regulation of Power System
- Design and Analysis of Enhanced Harris Hawks Optimization-Tuned Type-2 Fuzzy Fractional Proportional Integral Derivative Controller for the Frequency Control of Microgrid System.
- Simulation and hardware-in-the-loop real-time testing of different controllers for frequency regulation of electrical power systems
- Design and analysis of the 2DOF-PIDN-FOID controller for frequency regulation of the electric power systems
- Comparative performance analysis of hybrid differential evolution and pattern search technique for frequency control of the electric power system
- Analysis of hybrid fuzzy logic control based PID through the filter for frequency regulation of electrical power system with real-time simulation
- Design and analysis of hybrid fuzzy FOPID-FOPI controller for frequency regulation of electrical power system
- Design and analysis of hybrid fuzzy fractional order PD-PI controller for frequency regulation problem
- DE optimized 2-DOF tilt integral derivative controller with filter for frequency regulation of interconnected power system
- Power management in wind-fuel cell-ultracapacitor based autonomous hybrid power system
- Firefly algorithm optimized fuzzy PID controller for AGC of multi-area multi-source power systems with UPFC and SMES
- Design and analysis of hybrid firefly algorithm-pattern search based fuzzy PID controller for LFC of multi area power systems