ICT Academy – Infosys Foundation – CSR Training Program on “Certificate Course on Data Analytics”
🎉 ICT Academy – Infosys Foundation – CSR Training Program on “Certificate Course on Data Analytics” was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor on 07/01/2025.
* ICT Academy is an initiative of the Govt. of India in collaboration with the State Govt. of Tamil Nadu and Industries. 🇮🇳
* Infosys Foundation has inked an MoU with ICT Academy to implement a CSR initiative across India to skill final-year graduating students from rural and low-income family groups, helping to build their socio-economic levels and prepare them to be deployable resources. 💼
* This program is like a “Finishing School for Employability.” 🏫
* The program offers joint certification from Infosys Foundation and ICT Academy to the youth completing the training. 📜
* It is fully sponsored by Infosys Foundation and supported by ICT Academy. 🤝
* This is a 100-hour training program (80 hours of core skills + 20 hours of soft skills). ⏱️
* The duration of the program is 20 days. 📅
* Coordinated by Prof. Raghunath Rout (SPOC) and mentored by Prof. Kulshan Pattanaik and Prof. Loma Shraddha Parida of DRIEMS University.
#ICTAcademy #InfosysFoundation #CSR #DataAnalytics #SkillDevelopment #DRIEMSUniversity #Employability #FinishingSchool #YouthEmpowerment